Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ordering the Chaotic

This blog will be a dumping ground for my thoughts. I find that my mind works best when I have a place to write down, discuss, and even argue about my ideas. As such, though many posts will initially appear scattered and disconnected, I expect that through time my blogs will become more coherent and as I interact with my readers, I will be more fully able to clearly relate and explain my thoughts.

With that said, here are a few topics I will likely blog about, although this list is, of course, subject to radical and violent change without even an inkling of notice:

1. My current theological journey away from Protestantism.
2. The Philosophy of Religion, particularly natural theology, the so-called problem of evil, and religious epistemology.
3. Reformed Epistemology especially as manifested in the works of Alvin Plantinga.
4. My readings in and discovery of Eastern Orthodox theology.
5. General Christian apologetics; my emphasis will be primarily on philosophical apologetics, though I may dabble a bit in historical apologetics.

Finally, I want to make a note about the title of this blog. As the subtitle hints, hodos pros ton logon means something like "journey toward reason" or, perhaps, "the road to the Word." The first verse of St. John's Gospel describes Christ as "ho logos" or "the Word," a phrase that references God's eternal rationality, His Reason, and the Son of God, the second Person of the Eternal Trinity. The Stoics would have understood the Logos as an eternal principle of rationality, an all-pervading and Divine reason. For Aristotle logos simply designated logical argumentation, a device of rhetoric used in persuasion. You may take from the title of this blog whatever you wish, but for me it expresses a desire to travel along a path, one already walked by a multitude of men and women much greater than I, a path toward Reason, a path toward God.

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